2nd International Colloquium on Brand, Label and Product Intelligence




24th-25th June 2021, Hôtel Dupanloup, Orléans, France

 Formats of the conférence: Offline and Online 

The COBLI (Branding, Label, and Product Intelligence) is a conference that seeks to deepen our knowledge of brands and labels in the service of innovations and scientific promotion. Brands and labels are based on products. Consequently, products (goods and services) constitute a knot that brings together the contributions of various and varied sciences such as management, geography, economics, sociology, history, IT ... occurrence, local products are one of the themes that generate the convergence of these different sciences.

The theme of this colloquium can be interpreted very broadly. Articles can be managerial, empirical, or conceptual. The creative and labeling approaches analyzed can apply as much to products - as well as various brands from the agro-food industries or mass distribution - as to territories. Let us think of geographically protected products under various labels or of the forms of branding of territories under cultural, landscape, heritage reasons or linked to territorialized public action which creates its own "distinctions" (positive energy territories, zero waste territories, "zero unemployed" territories, etc ...). It may also involve dealing with labels and certifications of origin (Made in France label for example) and their impact on the choices of individuals or companies. It also seems interesting to us to think about the local in its dimensions of consumption but also put into perspective in relation to the movement of slow life and slow travel.

The proposals submitted will be evaluated and selected by the scientific committee according to their quality, whether they are papers of a conceptual and empirical nature or works of a qualitative or quantitative type that contribute to new trends and perspectives on the brand and the market. label in the era and in the light of digital and artificial intelligence.

Suggested topics include but are non-exhaustive and non-exclusive of :

Branding, Products, Labels and Digital Technologies (e.g., Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics, blockchain)

Corporate branding: brand community, resilience, resistance 

Brands: local brands, private labels, national brands, low cost, masstige, corporate, organizational, luxury

Branding and Labeling: places, cities, territories, countries...

Private, Public Labeling

Branding, products, and Labeling in/of Emerging countries

Influence of new technologies on B2B Branding and Labeling in B2B relationships

Place, city, territory, nation branding and labeling 

The role of new technologies in research in Branding and Labeling

Digital and « emerging » media for promoting brand equity, corporate/brand image, identity, reputation, influence, trust, transparency, interactions with stakeholders…

Local products: supply, production incentives, the impact of COVID-19  pandemic...

Brands, products, labels, and COVID-19  pandemic...

Cross-country analysis, cross-cultural analysis of the brand, label, and product consumption

Global and local brands in developed and emerging countries

International brand management and performance in B2B relationships

Understanding brand, label, product in international markets

Global implications of the brand, label, and product management

International marketing strategy and brand, label, and product in a digital era

E-commerce and international brands

New Product Launches, international markets, and stakeholders' reactions (Stock Market, local/foreign consumer…)

Brand, Label, and Product in a Globalized World

Brand Globalness and consumer dispositions (consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism, global/local identity, globalization attitude, etc.)



Launch of the call for papers: 1st of November 2020

Submission of Papers opens on the 1st of December 2020

Deadline for the submission of papers is the 15th of March 2021

Authors will get a Feedback on the 17th of April 2021

Submission of the full-length paper is the 30th of April 2021

Registration and payment: From the 17th of April 2021 to the 30th of May 2021



Papers should be submitted via

Papers can be written either in French or English. Presentations will be made in both languages. Papers presented at the colloquium will be published. The authors will be requested to submit a complete and final version of their work for scientific publications in a book that will be edited in English either at Nova Publishers or at Springer: (1) Articles examining the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on brands/labels/products will be published at Nova Publishers, (2) All other articles will be published at Springer.

In addition, articles (title or title and abstract or the full-length article) will also be indexed on COBLI Google Scholar Page and VALLOREM website.


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