Submission guidelines


Final communications must be submitted on the platform in the section “My submissions”.


Papers presenting successful research on a conceptual and/or empirical level. When submitting your paper, the text you send should not show your name or contact details on the first page. The text as a whole must obviously and besides not allow to identify you.


Papers presenting sufficiently advanced research on a conceptual level with a collection of data in progress or to come. Authors will take advantage of this submission format to address the specific questions they ask themselves to develop their work under construction. These questions should be clearly formulated at the conclusion of the paper and presented during the presentation.


The doctoral conference will take place on June 24, 2021, in the afternoon. Doctoral students are asked to submit their thesis project first. Then, they are also asked to make, on the 24th of June 2021, a presentation of the thesis of 15 to 20 minutes maximum with slides to take advantage of discussions with the various participants.



All guidelines and criteria below apply for submissions to one of the regular conference tracks.

1. All submissions should be uploaded as pdf-files.

2. All papers are limited to 10 pages. This includes everything: the cover / title page with abstract, references, tables, and figures.

3. When you submit, make sure you have the required information for every co-author on the paper at your disposal. You will be asked to enter this information on the webpage when you submit. All authors’ names and affiliations will be published in the conference proceedings exactly as you have entered them.

4. There should be NO AUTHOR INFORMATION, neither on any page of the paper itself nor in file properties of your document, as papers will be double blind peer reviewed. If you submit a paper that contains any information identifying you or a coauthor, the paper will be removed from the system, and you will be asked to resubmit. It will be your responsibility to resubmit within the given deadline.

5. Empirical papers must state the objectives of the research, the research method, major results, implications and key references.

6. Conceptual papers are also considered but will be evaluated by strict criteria for conceptual contribution.



When you prepare your paper for submission, please make sure that you follow the formatting guidelines very carefully.

Papers should be :

• 1.5 spaced and left justified throughout

• Times New Roman 12-point font (except for the title, which should be Times New Roman 14-point font)

• A4 size page formatting

• 2.5cm margins at all sides (top, bottom, left, right)

• Remove any author or institutional identifying information from the ‘file properties’ of your document.

• The paper is limited to 10 PAGES, everything included:  the cover / title page with abstract, references, appendix, tables, and figures.

Note :

Figures and Tables should be integrated within the text as close as possible to where they are first mentioned.


  • Structure of the paper :

Do not include the author(s’) name(s) on the title page or in any other part of the paper.


  • References in the main text :

References to publications in the text should follow APA style. They should include the author name(s) and year of publication.


  • Bibliographic References :

Should be sorted alphabetically by (first) author, and allow the APA-style of referencing.



Upon submission, you need to choose and tell us, in case of acceptance, whether you want to publish the full paper (10 pages) or only the abstract (1st page of your submission) or only the title in the COBLI conference proceedings, COBLI Google Scholar page, and VALLOREM website.

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